
  • "Having Adriana as part of my health support team is a godsend. By working with her I love knowing that I am supporting my body to do it’s natural processes in the best possible way. Since doing the digestive detox I have way less bloating, way better sleep and feel that my system responds better to ‘stressful’ foods like caffeine, gluten and sugar."

    — Sophie

  • "I struggled with IBS for several years, seeking relief from various doctors and medications without success. Adriana's approach was a game-changer. By emphasizing the innate healing abilities of my body and guiding me towards managing stress, choosing nourishing foods, and incorporating targeted supplements, she helped me reclaim control over my health. Through our collaboration, I learned to tune into my body's signals, identifying triggers like gluten, caffeine, and sugar. As a result, my symptoms significantly improved. I'm grateful for Adriana's expertise and holistic approach, and I now look forward to each day with renewed vitality and confidence in my health journey."

    — Melanie

  • "I met Adriana during a tough time in my life. My job was stressful, I had no social life, and I never made time for myself. My diet suffered, and I gained 7kg that I couldn't lose, no matter what I tried. Adriana changed everything. With her help, I found balance again. My brain fog vanished, I had more energy, and I even started exercising regularly. Adriana guided me through a detox program, and I lost all the extra weight. I feel amazing now. Thank you so much, Adriana!"

    — Mariam